Slade and Mirabelle’s latest creation is called “Make Her Crave You.” and promises to rethink the way men approach dating, seduction, and relationships with women.
Let me start telling you that the title of the course is a little deceptive. “Make Her Crave You” is about much more than just creating fireworks. In fact, it guides you through the initial attraction process, developing positive and empowering mindsets, and enables you to maintain attraction to women past the initial approach, the first night, and into a relationship.
I get a lot of feedback from guys that want more than a one night stand. In fact, most guys that write to me
want a dynamic attraction to women that results in a lasting relationship.
Thing is though, it’s not that easy. Most courses tell you how to use a pickup line, how to portray authoritative body language, but very few point out how this translates to a lasting and meaningful relationship. In fact, many courses make the assumption that once you are over the initial approach, you have what you need.
That’s where “Make Her Crave You” is different.
Slade and Mirabelle offer readers empowering mindsets to firstly challenge beliefs, establish positive mindsets, and apply them to attract women. But unlike other courses, “Make Her Crave You” gives you more knowledge about taking your skills to the next level, guides you through communicating with women, and shows you how to understand females and make a relationship last.
It’s like having your own personal dating success coach right there beside you as you navigate your way to dating success!
The other thing I really like about this course is the engaging approach Slade and Mirabelle take with the reader. They avoid the belittling phrases and terms that insult the intelligence of many guys and instead find subtle ways to challenge the mindsets and attitudes that may have contributed to their lack of success. Instead of assuming that the guy has no idea, they seek to build on the skills he already has, rather than spoon-feeding him stuff he already knows.
I like to think of it as the thinking man’s guide to dating, and one that embraces some pretty powerful mindsets on the path to prosperity. Perhaps that’s what sets it apart from other courses. In order to get the attention of elite women, its necessary to rethink your entire strategy and attitude, rather than focusing on one area only.
The other thing that struck me is the completeness of this course. At over 200 pages it’s not a light read, but then Slade and Mirabelle are typically thorough in every course they put together. I also really liked the ‘actionable attraction challenges’ which help cement the concepts and apply them to your real-life dating situation.
You will be as impressed as I was, which is why you must go there now and get your copy: Click Here – Make Her Crave You
In addition to the course, the bonus interviews and ebooks were well presented, topical, and further enhanced what is already a very comprehensive course. I felt as though Meet Your Sweet has placed me in very safe hands as I create dynamic attraction with females.
If you are serious about taking your dating and attraction success to the next level, Slade Shaw’s “Make Her Crave You” is an absolute must-have companion to help guide you on the journey and maximize your chances of attraction and relationship success.
I wish I had this information when I was starting out.
But don’t just take my word for it, check it out for yourself: