With everything going online in the pandemic and post-pandemic world, the whole dating and relationship scene has completely changed. It’s no longer about what to say when you meet; instead, it’s all about what you text. Words have always been the most powerful tool – you need to know how

Do you want your man to focus exclusively on you? Wouldn’t you love to completely enslave him to you? You may already be aware of this, but there are specific things women can do to attract men. The good news is that they have more to do with attitude than

Here’s a good lesson on “emotional texting” from my buddy Rob Judge…. I think it clarifies this idea brilliantly below…—————————————- As someone who’s done every permutation of men’s dating coaching–from in-person to phone to email and Skype–I can confidently say that one of the biggest areas of confusion is the

If you want to learn how to make any guy obsess over you with the push of a button, then this might be the most important video you’ll ever watch. We will reveal to you here a secret kind of text message that every man is dying to hear… this

Most men use text messages DEAD WRONG. And they make one of these three common mistakes: Totally boring her (and even annoying her) sending dry, logical, and un-original texts. Capture her attention but then spin their wheels going nowhere until the attraction fizzles out… Or spend months playing “textual

Over the years people have been known to flirt with the opposite sex, with the idea of engaging in a relationship with another person. Flirting can involve non-verbal signs, such as exchanging glances, hand-touching, hair-touching, or verbal signs, such as chatting, giving flattering comments, and exchanging telephone numbers in order

It can become very frustrating when you get a woman’s number, but after a few texts, she seems to be least interested or turns cold in response. Your immediate reaction is to consider her to be fake and dismiss her negatively. Do you realize that if you do this, you

Do you want to keep your man’s eyes on you and only you? Would you love to make him absolutely addicted to you? If so, you’re in the right place. As you may or may not already know, there are certain things women can do to hook men. The good

Did you know there’s a 12 word sentence you can say to your man… that will trigger intense feelings of love and instinctual attraction for you deep within his chest? Because hidden in these 12 words is a “secret signal” that fuels a man’s instinct to love, please and protect